Class BookingCell


Booking cell object for display in a table

Located in /inc/bookings/cell.php (line 30)

Variable Summary
boolean $isStart
boolean $isStartDay
array $rotaClass
string $roton
integer $rows
string $todayClass
Method Summary
BookingCell BookingCell ( &$book, [integer $start = START_BOOKING], [integer $rows = 1], TimeSlot $booking)
void addRotateClass (array $arr, string $roton)
void addTodayClass (string $c)
void display (string $class, string $href, [boolean $popup = false], [boolean $isadmin = 0])
TimeSlot $booking (line 32)
  • var: Vacancy or Booking object for this cell
boolean $isStart (line 34)
  • var: Cell is at start of booking
boolean $isStartDay (line 36)
  • var: Cell is at start of day
array $rotaClass (line 40)
  • var: list of class names to use for cells
string $roton (line 42)
  • var: data on which to rotate through classes
integer $rows (line 38)
  • var: Number of rows in cell
string $todayClass (line 44)
  • var: class name to use if the cell is today
Constructor BookingCell (line 53)

Create a new display cell

BookingCell BookingCell ( &$book, [integer $start = START_BOOKING], [integer $rows = 1], TimeSlot $booking)
  • TimeSlot $booking: the timeslot (Booking or Vacancy object) to be represented
  • integer $start: type of cell (START_BOOKING, START_BOOKING_DAY, MIDDLE_BOOKING)
  • integer $rows: number of rows this cell should occupy
  • &$book
addRotateClass (line 68)

use a number of different html/css classes for displaying cells


void addRotateClass (array $arr, string $roton)
  • array $arr: list of class names
  • string $roton: data on which to rotate through classes
addTodayClass (line 78)

html/css class to use if this day is today

void addTodayClass (string $c)
  • string $c: class name
display (line 90)

prepare html representation of the cell

void display (string $class, string $href, [boolean $popup = false], boolean $isadmin)
  • string $class: class name to use for the cell
  • string $href: base href to be used for making links to book/edit
  • boolean $popup: provide a popup layer with extra details of the booking
  • boolean $isadmin: provide an admin view of the data
_makePopupScript (line 115)
void _makePopupScript ()

Documentation generated on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 10:01:01 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0