Class TimeSlot


Booking/Vacancy base object -- designed to be inherited by Vacancy and Booking

Located in /inc/bookings/timeslot.php (line 26)

Direct descendents
Class Description
Booking Object for an individual booking
Vacancy Vacancy object
Variable Summary
Method Summary
TimeSlot TimeSlot (mixed $start, mixed $stop, [mixed $duration = 0])
void dayStart ()
void dayStop ()
void displayShort ()
void _TimeSlot_SimpleDate (SimpleDate $start, SimpleDate $stop, SimpleTime $duration)
boolean $arb_start = false (line 52)
  • var: start time is arbitrary from truncation due to db lookup
boolean $arb_stop = false (line 54)
  • var: stop time is arbitrary from truncation due to db lookup
string $baseclass (line 40)
  • var: html/css class to use for display
SimpleDate $displayStart (line 48)
  • var: start of the slot for when time should be displayed
SimpleDate $displayStop (line 50)
  • var: end of the slot for when time should be displayed
SimpleTime $duration (line 36)
  • var: unused?
boolean $freeBusyOnly = false (line 58)
  • var: only show free/busy information for the slot
string $href = '' (line 38)
  • var: href to current page
boolean $isDisabled (line 42)
  • var: time slot is disabled (instrument is unavailable)
boolean $isStart = 0 (line 46)
  • var: timeslot is the start of a booking (bookings can go fro mone day to another)
boolean $isVacant = 0 (line 44)
  • var: instrument is vacant
TimeSlotRule $slotRule (line 56)
  • var: timeslot definitions
SimpleDate $start (line 28)
  • var: start of the slot as used for calculating graphical representation
SimpleDate $stop (line 30)
  • var: end of the slot as used for calculating graphical representation
SimpleDate $_dayStart = NULL (line 32)
  • var: date the start is on (i.e. $start with time of 00:00:00)
SimpleDate $_dayStop = NULL (line 34)
  • var: date the end is on (i.e. $stop with time of 00:00:00)
Constructor TimeSlot (line 67)

Create a new timeslot to be superclassed by Booking or Vacancy object

TimeSlot TimeSlot (mixed $start, mixed $stop, mixed $duration)
  • mixed $start: start time and date (SimpleDate or string or ticks)
  • mixed $stop: stop time and date (SimpleDate or string or ticks)
  • mixed $duration: duration of the slot (SimpleTime or string or ticks, 0 to autocalc)
dayStart (line 103)
void dayStart ()
dayStop (line 114)
void dayStop ()
displayShort (line 93)

display the timeslot as a short table row

void displayShort ()
generateBookingTitle (line 139)

work out the title (start and stop times) for the vacancy for display

  • return: title
string generateBookingTitle ()

Redefined in descendants as:
generateLongDescription (line 130)

construct a long description of the time slot for pop-ups

  • return: description
string generateLongDescription ()

Redefined in descendants as:
_TimeSlot_SimpleDate (line 84)

Set the start/stop times of the slot

void _TimeSlot_SimpleDate (SimpleDate $start, SimpleDate $stop, SimpleTime $duration)

Documentation generated on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 10:02:03 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0