Class DBChoiceList


A choice list based on an SQL statement.

Primitive class on which selection lists can be built from the results of an SQL query. This may be used to determine the choices that a user is permitted to select (e.g. dropdown list or radio buttons) or also to permit additional entries to be created.

Used in a 1:many relationship (i.e. a field in a table that is the primary key in another table)

Note that this class has no real way of displaying itself properly, so it would usually be inherited and the descendent class used.

Typical usage:

  1.  $f new RadioList("myfield""Field name");
  2.  $f->connectDB("mytable"array("id""name"));
  3.  $f->setFormat("id""%s"array("name"));
  4.  $newentryfield new TextField("name","");
  5.  $newentryfield->namebase "newentry-";
  6.  $newentryfield->suppressValidation 0;
  7.  $f->list->append(array("-1","Create new: ")$newentryfield);

Located in /inc/formslib/dbchoicelist.php (line 48)

Variable Summary
boolean $changed
array $choicelist
tristate $deleted
boolean $distinct
boolean $editable
boolean $extendable
mixed $join
integer $length
string $limit
string $order
string $restriction
Method Summary
DBChoiceList DBChoiceList (string $table, [mixed $fields = ''], [string $restriction = ''], [string $order = ''], [string $idfield = 'id'], [string $limit = ''], [mixed $join = ''], [boolean $distinct = false], [boolean $deleted = NULL])
void append (array $values, [Field $field = ''])
void display ()
void fill ()
void prepend (array $values, [Field $field = ''])
mixed selectedValue ([boolean $returnArray = 0])
void set ( $value)
void setDefault (string $val)
code sync ()
void text_dump ()
void update (string $newval, array $data)
array _addedclone (array $a)
void _append ( $fa)
void _mkaddedarray (array $values, [Field $field = ''])
void _prepend ( $fa)
string _sqlvals ()
void __clone ()
array $appendedfields (line 72)
  • var: the list of appended entries
boolean $changed = 0 (line 64)
  • var: selected value in list has changed

Redefinition of:
array $choicelist (line 68)
  • var: the list of choices available
tristate $deleted (line 66)
  • var: NULL => do not restrict on deleted column, otherwise WHERE deleted = $deleted
boolean $distinct (line 58)
boolean $editable = 0 (line 60)
  • var: list is editable

Redefinition of:
boolean $extendable = 0 (line 62)
  • var: list is extendable by adding new values
mixed $join (line 50)
  • var: string or array (preferably) that defines the LEFT JOIN
integer $length (line 70)
  • var: the number of choices available
string $limit (line 56)
  • var: LIMIT data
string $order (line 54)
  • var: column for ORDER BY
array $prependedfields (line 74)
  • var: the list of prepended entries
string $restriction (line 52)
  • var: an SQL restriction clause to be used in a WHERE

Inherited Variables

Inherited from DBO

Constructor DBChoiceList (line 98)

Construct the DBlist object.

Construct a new DBList object based on:

  • database table ($table)
  • calling for the fields in the array (or scalar) $fields
  • with an SQL restriction (WHERE clause) $restriction
  • ordering the listing by $order
  • using the field $idfield as the control variable in the list (i.e. the value='' in a radio list etc)
  • with an SQL LIMIT statement of $limit

DBChoiceList DBChoiceList (string $table, [mixed $fields = ''], [string $restriction = ''], [string $order = ''], [string $idfield = 'id'], [string $limit = ''], [mixed $join = ''], [boolean $distinct = false], [boolean $deleted = NULL])
  • string $table: the table to be queried for filling
  • mixed $fields: string for the field or array of field names
  • string $restriction: an SQL restriction clause to be used in a WHERE
  • string $order: fields for SQL ORDER clause
  • string $idfield: the field that should be used as the uniquely identifying value
  • string $limit: for LIMIT clause
  • mixed $join: string or array (preferably) that defines the LEFT JOIN
  • boolean $distinct: return only DISTINCT rows (default: false)
  • boolean $deleted: deleted=true/false in SQL; NULL means don't restrict
append (line 208)

append a special field (such as "Create new:") to the choicelist

Keep a copy of the field so it can be added again later if necessary, and then use a private function to actually do the adding

void append (array $values, [Field $field = ''])
  • array $values: list of values to be displayed
  • Field $field: (optional) a field class object to be placed next to this entry, if possible
display (line 257)
void display ()

Redefinition of:
Display the object
fill (line 126)

Fill the object from the database using the already initialised members (->table etc).

void fill ()
prepend (line 224)

prepend a special field (such as "Create new:") to the choicelist

Keep a copy of the field so it can be added again later if necessary, and then use a private function to actually do the adding

void prepend (array $values, [Field $field = ''])
  • array $values: list of values to be displayed
  • Field $field: (optional) a field class object to be placed next to this entry, if possible
selectedValue (line 390)

determine whih values are selected and return them

  • return: list of selected values (array) or current value (string)
mixed selectedValue (boolean $returnArray)
  • boolean $returnArray: return an array of values
set (line 329)

sets the current value of the field

(providing interface to Field object)

void set ( $value)
  • $value
setDefault (line 408)

set which option in the selection list is the default option

void setDefault (string $val)
  • string $val: default value to use
sync (line 341)

synchronise with the database

This also creates the true value for this field if it is undefined

  • return: from statuscodes
  • global: string $TABLEPREFIX: prefix for SQL table names
code sync ()
text_dump (line 261)
void text_dump ()

Redefinition of:
Create a quick text representation of the object
update (line 277)

update the value of the list based on user data:

  • if it is within the range of current values, then take the value
  • if the field contains a new value (and is allowed to) then keep an illegal value, mark as being changed, and wait until later for the field to be updated
  • if the field contains a new value (and is not allowed to) or an out-of-range value, then flag as being invalid

void update (string $newval, array $data)
  • string $newval: the (possibly) new value for the field
  • array $data: ancillary user data (passed on to any appended or prepended fields)
_addedclone (line 193)

Clone the array field structure

  • return: clone of $a
array _addedclone (array $a)
  • array $a: field structure array (see _mkaddedarray())
_append (line 236)

private functions _append and _prepend that will actually add the field

to the field list after it has been properly constructed and saved for future reference

void _append ( $fa)
  • $fa
_mkaddedarray (line 179)

Construct an array suitable for storing the field and the values it takes for later reuse

void _mkaddedarray (array $values, [Field $field = ''])
  • array $values: list of values to be displayed
  • Field $field: Field object associated with these values
_prepend (line 240)
void _prepend ( $fa)
  • $fa
_reAddExtraFields (line 248)

add back in the extra fields that were appended/prepended to the

choicelist. Use this if they fields are lost due to a fill()

void _reAddExtraFields ()
_sqlvals (line 369)

Returns an SQL assignment clause

  • return: of form name='value'
string _sqlvals ()
__clone (line 420)

PHP5 clone method

PHP5 clone statement will perform only a shallow copy of the object. Any subobjects must also be cloned

void __clone ()

Redefinition of:
PHP5 clone method

Inherited Methods

Inherited From DBO


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