

Configure the TCPDF library for PDF generation

require_once ('tcpdf/tcpdf.php') (line 187)

TCPDF free PDF creation library for PHP: http://sf.net/projects/tcpdf

require_once ('inc/bb/configreader.php') (line 19)
require_once ('inc/typeinfo.php') (line 16)

Load ancillary functions

FPDF_FONTPATH = K_PATH_MAIN."fonts/" (line 41)

path for PDF fonts

HEAD_MAGNIFICATION = 1.1 (line 166)

magnification factor for titles

K_BLANK_IMAGE = K_PATH_IMAGES."_blank.png" (line 61)

blank image

K_CELL_HEIGHT_RATIO = 1.25 (line 171)

height of cell repect font height

K_PATH_CACHE = K_PATH_MAIN."cache/" (line 46)

cache directory for temporary files (full path)

K_PATH_IMAGES = K_PATH_MAIN."images/" (line 56)

images directory

K_PATH_MAIN = $conf->value('pdfexport','pdflibrary','system-inc/tcpdf/') (line 26)

base path to the TCPDF classes

K_PATH_URL = "http://localhost/_OPENSOURCE/tcpdf/" (line 36)

url path

K_PATH_URL_CACHE = K_PATH_URL."cache/" (line 51)

cache directory for temporary files (url path)

K_SMALL_RATIO = 2/3 (line 181)

reduction factor for small font

K_TCPDF_EXTERNAL_CONFIG = true (line 23)

make TCPDF use our configuration and not its default config

K_TITLE_MAGNIFICATION = 1.3 (line 176)

title magnification respect main font size

PDF_AUTHOR = "pdf author" (line 81)

document author

PDF_CREATOR = "TCPDF" (line 76)

document creator

PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA = "FreeSerif" (line 151)

data font name

PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN = "FreeSans" (line 141)

main font name

PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA = 8 (line 156)

data font size

PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN = 10 (line 146)

main font size

PDF_HEADER_LOGO = "logo_example.png" (line 96)

image logo

PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH = 20 (line 101)

header logo image width [mm]

PDF_HEADER_STRING = "first row\nsecond row\nthird row" (line 91)

header description string

PDF_HEADER_TITLE = "header title" (line 86)

header title

PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO = 4 (line 161)

scale factor for images (number of points in user unit)

PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM = 25 (line 126)

bottom margin

PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER = 10 (line 116)

footer margin

PDF_MARGIN_HEADER = 5 (line 111)

header margin

PDF_MARGIN_LEFT = 15 (line 131)

left margin

PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT = 15 (line 136)

right margin

PDF_MARGIN_TOP = 27 (line 121)

top margin

PDF_PAGE_FORMAT = "A4" (line 66)

page format


page orientation (P=portrait, L=landscape)

PDF_UNIT = "mm" (line 106)

document unit of measure [pt=point, mm=millimeter, cm=centimeter, in=inch]

Documentation generated on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 10:01:53 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0