The tentative plans for the future of Bumblebee have mapped out, but feedback is most welcome.
2006-08-01 Stuart Prescott* 1.0.6 release * feature: phone numbers can be included in the calendar too (closes #1517835) * feature: allow the comment field on the calendar page to be moved to the top (closes #1517836) * feature: provide additional config options for sending mail under win32 (closes #1532742) * bugfix: fix off-by-one error in list of groups whose reports are attached to the email (closes #1532744) 2006-06-25 Stuart Prescott * 1.0.5 release * bugfix: turn off web browser form autocompletion by default (closes #1494893) * feature: include user-specified text on the login page (closes #1494989) 2006-06-13 Stuart Prescott * 1.0.4 release * bugfix: fix "Calendar" link after editing/deleting bookings (closes #1487332) * bugfix: sanity check that the BasePath is a directory for session handling (closes: #1487330); include same sanity checks in installer script * bugfix: fix startticks error on editing bookings by initialising field properly (closes #1487399) 2006-04-28 Stuart Prescott * 1.0.3 release * bugfix: allow timeslot discount and comment to work on the same slot * bugfix: change action calculation to not use PATH_INFO at all; now works under PHP CGI module (closes #1477103) * bugfix: assume that a null value for discount means 0. * bugfix: work around PHP session.auto_start; also allow for externally started sessions (from some CMS framework) and make sure the session cookie is only available to the Bumblebee installation (closes #1473112) * bugfix: change the default mysqldump command line so that it doesn't require grant LOCK TABLES do backup the database under MySQL 4.1 and MySQL 5. * feature: new installer script with error checking on user values and compatability with MySQL5 (closes #1473020) * feature: allow admin to reset password and turn on extra login debugging info just using the config file * bugfix: user can now change password if email or phone number is not set 2006-03-27 Stuart Prescott * 1.0.2 release * bugfix: calendar display contained duplicate bookings when coming out of daylight saving time 2006-02-06 Stuart Prescott * 1.0.1 release * feature: Cc the logged-in user on billing emails * bugfix: viewing consumable usage not updated to new deletion framework * bugfix: masquerading class not available to non-sysadmin users * bugfix win32: don't use %e in strftime * feature: LDAP authentication enabled * code docs: comments converted to phpdoc style 2005-09-05 Stuart Prescott * 1.0.0 release 2005-08-25 Stuart Prescott * tagged as * help system on activated * allowed user-specified path to mysqldump + options * deletion of objects no longer deletes from database instead uses deleted flag 2005-08-12 Stuart Prescott * Fix calendar display so that out-of-slot bookings made by admin don't break grid pattern * Fix booking validation so that non-admin users can make bookings that start or stop at non-slot times if those times but up against another out-of-slot booking * Change CSS to reduce problems of half-hour table cells being given zero-height and rounded back to previous hour * include location of instruments in the view instrument list 2005-07-06 Stuart Prescott * Version * max days in future now enforced on calendars not just optional, admin override 2005-07-01 Stuart Prescott * Version * enabled a maximum number of days into the future that calendars are displayed for 2005-06-27 Stuart Prescott * * bugfix: instrument time slot rule didn't stick on instrument creation * add instrument supervisors and email them on booking 2005-06-18 Stuart Prescott * make PDF export more configurable from ini file * create interface to allow userclass name to be edited by admin * combined report format as PDF * email PDF reports to either logged in user or to supervisor 2005-05-24 Stuart Prescott * included bulk-discount model into billing system SQL * permit shelling into templates with improved menu code 2005-05-19 Stuart Prescott * fix up to magic_quotes_gpc handling (wouldn't it be nice if it could be turned off at runtime?) 2005-05-12 Stuart Prescott * first cut at installing script * admin can now view a list of deleted bookings for each instrument * $TABLEPREFIX now added to all table names * booking cleanups (incl. IE6 compatability changes) * user password + radius auth incl 2005-03-18 Stuart Prescott * Initial implentation of checking booking permissions for non-admin users * added duration of booking dropdown based on timeslot pattern * Added booking slot requirements to monthly and daily instrument display 2004-12-15 Stuart Prescott * display a calendar view of a selected instrument * create users and groups 2004-07-19 Stuart Prescott * first admin functions built on OO db+forms layer * remove billing features until rest of system matures sufficiently 2004-06-08 Stuart Prescott * Initial public announcement * non-OO mock up to see feasibility * some user testing and expressions of interest sought