Having lots of data in a MySQL database is great, but you might not
be able to view your data in just the right way through Bumblebee and
phpMyAdmin might be either unavailable to you or too much hassle to use.
The good news is that many different views of Bumblebee's data
can be exported and a variety of different export formats are available.
Report formats
- View in web browser
- Display data in current window with the standard template for your site including menu bar, header footer etc
- View in web browser (new window)
- Display data in a new browser window with a minimalist template defined
(see customising Bumblebee for more information)
- Save as comma separated variable
- Exports the data in comma separated variable (CSV) format suitable for
importing into other database, data mining or spreadsheet programs for easy analysis.
- Save as tab separated variable
- Exports the data in tab separated variable (TXT) format suitable for
importing into other database, data mining or spreadsheet programs for easy analysis.
- Save as PDF report
- Creates a nice PDF representation of the data is generated suitable for use as an instrument
log book or emailing to users/supervisors as a record of their instrument usage.
This option is only available if Bumblebee is
configured to generate PDF reports and
the free FPDF PHP class is
Report types
- Instrument usage log book
For each instrument selected, shows when and for how long the instrument
was used, by whom and for what project. The Comments and Log fields are also included.

Instrument log book (click for larger version)
- Instrument usage by users
- For each instrument selected, shows the total hours used by each user.
- Instrument usage by projects
- For each instrument and each research project selected, shows the total hours
used in a given period. The report can be ordered either by instrument (showing
clearly the usage patterns of each instrument) or by project (showing the usage
patterns of the users that are members of each project).
- Instrument usage by groups
- As for the "Instrument usage by projects" report, except this report includes
both the project to which the bookings have been assigned and the groups
responsible for that usage. For situations where a project is split
between multiple groups, the share of the usgage for each group is reported.
This report can be ordered either by instrument or by group, with the additional
option of reporting a per-user breakdown of instrument usage when reporting
by group.
- Consumables usage by users
- Reports the date, quantity and project against which consumables were used.
This report can be ordered either by consumable or project.
- Consumables usage by groups
- Like the "Instrument usage by groups" report, this report includes
each groups share of the usage when a project is split across several research
groups and offers ordering either by consumable or by group, with the additional
option of reporting a per-user breakdown of consumable usage when reporting
by group.
- Billing data: consumable usage
- Reports the same data as "Consumables usage by groups" but shows
the associated unit prices and total costs.
- Billing data: instrument usage
- Reports the same data as "Instrument usage by groups" but shows
the associated daily rates and total costs.
- Billing data: complete
- This report shows, for each group selected, line items for the costs of
all instrument and consumable usage for the nominated time period.
- Billing data: summary
- This report summarieses the "Billing data: complete" report, only
showing one line per research group with their contact details,
account numbers etc as specified in the Groups form
and the total charge for that time period.
For usage reports that can be emailed to the leaders of the research groups,
please refer to the section on billing reports.